Tuesday, August 16, 2011

God Uses Ordinary People

While reading the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew chapter 1 recently, I found an interesting person mentioned in verse 5.  It says, "And Salmon begat Booz [Boaz] of Rachab [Rahab]; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse;"

Rahab, Boaz, Ruth, and Jesse are all names with which I'm familiar, but never before had I noticed Salmon.  The more I considered this man, the more I realized what an interesting person he must have been.

Salmon married Rahab, a known harlot from the city of Jericho, not one of his people.  We have no idea of the circumstances that brought about their union, yet surely some emotion of love, compassion, or kindness must have prompted him to take this unlikely woman as his wife.

Secondly, he was the father of Boaz.  While we are told nothing about the character of Salmon, we do know something about his son.  Boaz was a "mighty man of wealth" (Ruth 2:1), one who knew the Lord and  showed compassion for those in need.  He was willing to take his rightful place as kinsman redeemer and have Ruth for his wife.  Surely some of these admirable traits were learned from his father.

While some Christians, now and in times past, have names which are known by all, how many countless others have stories that are not recorded in the annals of history, yet have a great impact for the cause of Christ?  Missionaries toiling on a foreign field; the faithful pastor of a small, country church; a widow woman who prays unceasingly for others; a young mother whose days are spent pouring her heart into the lives of her children; all are known by God.

I thank God for the reminder that Salmon is to me - that we need not be well-known or full of talent to fulfill our place in God's plan.  We just need to be surrendered to His will, trusting that He knows how to work in our lives what is best for His kingdom.


  1. Great post! And what a great reminder! Too often we think that the "important" people are doing the "important" work while we forget that God has a plan and a purpose for each of us, and if we fulfill that plan, we have done "important" work for Him.

  2. Well said. It's so easy to feel like a simpleton. We never know how we impact others through our daily life. I can only strive to make a difference and know that even when I feel I've failed, all is in God's plan.

    Thanks for the reminder!

  3. love this post, great reminder that we are not some "nobody" but children of God and He uses us everyday, how cool is that!


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