Monday, August 22, 2011

New Territory

While the last drops of heat are squeezed from summer in these late August days, we convene in our "classroom," faces eager, spirits excited, minds attentive.

Though the novelty of the adventure may fade, these first days are priceless.  They mark the beginning of experiencing something new together.
We're passing another mile marker on the highway of parenthood.  With a fifth grader and a third grader on my hands, I'm constantly moving into new territory. 

In yesterday's Sunday School lesson, my husband said that discontentment is wishing to be in a different season of life than you are now.  Sometimes we looking longingly over our shoulder at the road already traveled, wishing ourselves back to an earlier time. At other points, we look ahead, longing for our children to be older, our finances surer, our location more favorable.

Psalm 118:24 says, "This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."  God gave me, with my frailities and limitations, today to begin homeschooling our girls.  As He will give me the grace and strength to handle - yea, even embrace - this undertaking, He can do the same for you in the tasks you face this day.

photo public domain pictures


  1. Perfect post for me to read today! Since my DD's 10th birthday was yesterday, I found myself longing to go back. Time has gone so quickly! Thank you for reminding me to rejoice today's season.

    I hope you all have a FANTASTIC first week of homeschool! Be sure to pass along any great ideas/resources you come across. ;)

  2. Tracey, I hope you and your girls have a WONDERFUL first day of homeschooling and that it is exciting and fun and fulfilling! I can't wait to hear about how it all goes for you! :)

    And yes, you are right, we must never look back with longing for times past - looking back with longing always reminds me of Lot's wife and her horrible demise. God wants us to remember the past only to see His goodness, glorify Him and learn what we should beware of in the future! :)

  3. Jennifer,

    Thanks for the good wishes for this week! Hope y'all have a great week as well!

  4. Clara,

    I appreciate the good wishes for this week!

    You so beautifully listed the reasons we should, at times, look back over the past. Thanks for encouraging me through your words!

  5. Blessings on your first day of homeschool! Thanks for this encouragement today.

  6. Awe - words that are wonderful for me to read!

  7. Great post, and blessings on your first day of homeschooling. We are prayerfully considering it again, but I am unsure. We will see where God leads.

  8. beautiful! have a blessed home school week!

  9. Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing and for linking up with us! :)


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