Friday, September 2, 2011

Homeschooling Highlights

Two weeks into homeschooling, I can say that we're really enjoying this adventure!  We have a good flow to our days and our daughters are doing a great job of staying on task.  We've survived a couple of "moments," but overall it's started out as a wonderful experience. 

While I realize that we have a LONG way to go, there are already some things I'm enjoying about homeschooling.
  • Having Bible time together.  We begin each day by practicing a memory verse, discussing portions from a curriculum written for young girls, and praying.
  • Increased interest in Science.  While my ten-year-old has long been a history buff, both of our daughters have a new-found attraction to Science. 
  • Creative uses of free time.  With more free time in the afternoons, the girls have spent time reading, created a nature corner outside, and put on a talent show for me that included art, piano playing and recitations.
  • Reading aloud together.  While we already read aloud together at bedtime, I have added the practice to another part of our day.  I remembered reading that Jessica at Life as Mom reads aloud to her children at lunchtime - after she is done eating and while her children are finishing up.  This has proven to be an entertaining addition to our routine!  For this particular reading time, I am trying to select books that our daughters may not choose for themselves.  We are currently reading through Behind Rebel Lines.
  • Serving different lunches.  I can offer a little more variety than just typical lunch box fare and don't have to consider the logistics of keeping food either hot or cold.  On different days we've had homemade pizza, homemade cheese fries, roasted potatoes - and plenty of leftovers!
  • Working together on homemaking skills.  Since we are not doing homework in the late afternoon, I have opportunities to let our daughters help me prepare supper or do other kitchen-related tasks.
I'm very thankful that our school year has gotten off to a smooth beginning.  If your children have started school, let me know how it's going so far!


  1. Like you, we've been homeschooling for two weeks now. My daughter loves her math curriculum, but learning how to write correctly is "too hard." We have some struggles there, but I'm so glad that I'm the one to teach her. Also, I'm glad that I will be able (I am able!) to teach my children homemaking skills because I think that is an important part of education. My son needs to learn to be a gentleman, too, and I know he wouldn't learn that at school.

  2. Nikki,

    It is definitely nice to be able to teach our children skills that lie outside the realm of the traditional classroom. And I definitely understand the struggles with handwriting!

    Hope you and your family have a nice weekend!

  3. I'm so glad that it's going smoothly for you!

  4. Sounds great, Tracey! I often read to my children while they finish up their lunch/meal, too! :) They really love that.

    I'd love to read what kind of curriculum(s) you're using!? :)

  5. I'm so glad to hear your enjoying your homeschooling experience so far!

    Keep having fun! :)

  6. Things are off and running and going pretty smoothly as well! So thankful.

    A nature corner?? How creative!!

    I enjoy all the benefits you listed that the freedom of homeschool brings as well ~ such a blessing from God!

    Blessings to you and yours on this long weekend,

  7. Sounds like it is going very well for your family.


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