Wednesday, October 26, 2011

For His Glory

In John chapter eleven, as Jesus and his disciples discuss what has happened to their friend Lazarus, Jesus says in verse four, "....This sickness is....for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby."

Do you think Lazarus or his family knew, when he became ill, when he continued to get worse no matter what remedies they tried, that this was all taking place for God's glory? We can't know for sure, but if I put myself in the place of his sisters, I doubt that would have been my first thought.

Which brings me to my own life and the realization that God is still seeking to bring glory to Himself through His people.  Whether it's a seemingly insignificant daily struggle or an ongoing trial that I'm facing, am I willing to allow God to take charge?  What might God be working even now, unbeknownst to me, for His glory?  Just as Martha, Mary, and Lazarus likely didn't grasp what was being done in their lives, so I may not understand the orchestrating of events in mine.

So as I encounter difficulties, may I forsake my own solutions, trust in God's goodness and perfect timing, and wait to see what outcome He provides for His own glory.

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