Friday, October 28, 2011

Results That Last

No matter how many times I wash the dishes, they get dirty again.

The same goes for vacuuming the floor, doing laundry, and cleaning the bathroom.

Doing those tasks are important, as everyone in my family enjoys having clean plates, wearing fresh-smelling clothes, and walking on crumb-free floors.

However, there is one thing I can do today that will impact eternity.  I can invest in the lives of our children. 

I can listen intently when they talk.  I can answer their questions thoughtfully.  I can teach them something they didn't know before.

And, most importantly, I can point them to God  - by praying with them, singing a hymn as we work, learning a Bible verse together.  I can help them see His hand at work in every day occurrences, show them His continuing goodness in our lives.

That, my friend, is a task with results that will last forever.


  1. Yes, Tracey, so true!! *Isaiah 55:11*

    Thank you for these encouraging words!

    Blessings on your weekend,

  2. Amen, Tracey! Thanks for the reminder. :)

  3. Amen! Great post, Tracey. It's so important to remember this.

  4. SO true - and combining housework with talking, singing or Scripture memorisation is SO worthwhile - it puts joy into the task and as you said, has lasting impact. We especially enjoy singing when we wash dishes together, in our house! :)


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