Monday, October 10, 2011

Victory by the Sword

When I feel discouraged about a sin that seems to continually get the better of me, there is one place to turn for comfort.

Psalm 119:133 says, "Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."

The key to overcoming sin in my life is God's Word.  As I read it, commit it to memory, and meditate on it, the power of sin is defeated by the authority of Scripture.  Whatever sin besets me, I can find a verse that will allow me to have victory with the Holy Spirit's help.

In the past, I worked on Bible memory while driving our daughters to school.  I would type out a passage on a sheet of paper, then have them listen to me say it while we were riding in the car.  Now that we're homeschooling I have fallen out of the habit, but am committed to picking it up again.  As I help them with their verses during our morning Bible time at home, I want to return to expanding my own Scripture memory.

Ephesians 6:17 tells us that God's Word is our Sword.  Let's put it to good use!


  1. Great post! Im working on scripture memory too! I homeschool our ten year old and also have a 2 1/2 and 4 month old. Making the time is hard but so worth it.

  2. So true, Tracey - "Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee". (Ps 119:11)
    I try to memorise all the passages my children memorise, right alongside them - we all test each other on the verses, and that seems to work well! Sometimes I expand on their verses and learn a verse or two on either side of their passage, if I think it would be good to learn more of a particular passage. :)

  3. Awesome post, Tracey!! Yes, God is so good to give us His Word. How I need to treasure it so!! We've been working on memorizing Psalm 103 as a family, and we just recently learned of Scripture Memory Fellowship and are looking into scheduling memory verses in a more systematic way. Something we've never thought to do before! The Word of God is our weapon against the enemy's schemes...I need to remember and apply this! Thank you for this encouragement.


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