Friday, January 27, 2012

Cooking Class

Since I want our girls to be comfortable in the kitchen as they get older, I know that I need to involve them more in the preparation of our meals. Therefore, I've decided to schedule once-a-month "cooking classes."  While both girls have helped with some of these tasks before, I want them to master these techniques.  Since January is almost over, we will be tackling one of these in the next few days!

1.  Peel, chop, and roast potatoes.

2.  Prepare pasta and sauce for homemade macaroni and cheese.  (This includes a basic white sauce.)

3.  Make and bake homemade bread.

4.  Scramble eggs.

5.  Brown ground meat.

6.  Independently follow a recipe to make chocolate chip cookies.

7.  Prep all vegetables for a salad.

8.  Peel and slice apples and prepare filling for an apple pie.

9.  Help make homemade chicken broth in the slow cooker.

10.  Cook grilled cheese sandwich in the frying pan.

11.  Soak and boil dry beans.

12.  Prepare and serve one of their favorite meals, Cajun Chicken Pasta.

Do your children enjoy helping in the kitchen?  What other skills would you suggest adding to the list?


  1. It looks like you're going to be eating well for the next few days! What a great idea to have a cooking class. I intend to have my daughters comfortable in the kitchen, as well, so that I can occasionally take the night off from cooking supper. With three daughters, oh boy! I should be able to let them cook a good deal of the time.

  2. I think that is such an awesome idea. I don't have any little ones yet, but I often freezer cook with my best friend and her 9 yr old LOVES to help us out. I'm going to pass this post on to her...I think they would love having cooking classes. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I am Katie's best friend... she called and told me about your class. SO cute! My daughter will LOVE this. I will be sitting down this weekend and making a list and getting started... We might have to have 2 classes in Feb. haha. :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Misty,

      So glad you stopped by! I hope you and your daughter have a great time cooking together.

      My eleven-year-old made grilled cheese sandwiches (to go along with our soup) for the first time tonight. She did a great job!

      Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. You're training your girls to future homemakers - how wonderful! :)

  5. I agree with Lisa ~ you are training them in the art of homemaking, motherhood, and service to others. Love this!! I can imagine this is fun for both you and the girls as well! I have the kids help out in the kitchen but should re-start some regular cooking classes as well. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Happy 100 Days of School!

    Blessings on your weekend,

  6. We LOVE cooking classes here - something about children learning to cook is that it is one of those things where children can see immediate results of their hard work and can see everyone enjoying what they made and it gives them such an immense sense of satisfaction! A few things my daughter has recently learnt to cook - quiche, scones, chocolate cake, and banana choc chip muffins. I want her to learn to make shortbread next. There's quite a few recipes she has already learned also - many of them already on your list, so I won't list them here! :)

  7. What a great idea! I need to be more intentional about teaching my daughter how to cook (and much more!).


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!