Monday, January 16, 2012

Oh, How Marvelous!

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Reading through A.W. Tozer's The Attributes of God has given me a renewed appreciation for our God.  Over the last few days, I have been pondering the love that God has for me.  He created me for His pleasure, that I might bring honor and glory to Him.  Then, because of man's sin, God sent His Son to die for me that I might be redeemed.

So often we talk about the joy that we will feel when, as Christians, we reach heaven and see Him face to face.  And that is certainly true.  Yet how amazing it is to think that God will be excited to see me, too. As Tozer writes, "Did you ever stop to think that God is going to be as pleased to have you with Him in heaven as you are to be there?" That thought inspires me to want to do even more for Him, that as the ages pass, God and I will have much to talk about together.

When with the ransomed in glory
His face I at last shall see,
’Twill be my joy through the ages
To sing of His love for me.

Oh, how marvelous! Oh, how wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
Oh, how marvelous! Oh, how wonderful!
Is my Savior’s love for me!

~Charles H. Gabriel

What attribute of God would you celebrate today?


  1. You know, I never thought about God being happy to see me!! What a marvelous thought :)

  2. I believe it - if He wasn't happy to see us, the Psalmist would not have written these wonderful words:, "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints" (Psalm 116:15)! When we go to be with Him, it is *precious* to Him! Oh, I love that!! It has helped me immensely in my grieving for my mother over the past 5 years. :) His love is truly amazing and inspiring.

  3. Answered prayers have been in abundance recently! I am so grateful and know that as an imperfect Christian so undeserving of such love and grace.

    Thank you Lord for Your unconditional love!

    Have a blessed day Tracey! :)

    1. So glad to hear about answered prayers! It is such a blessing to see the Lord work in response to our requests.

  4. His graciousness as He gives me gifts that I don't deserve. Great post! Thanks!

  5. LOVE thinking about it like that!!!

  6. His faithfulness! Beyond comprehension how He can remain so faithful to those who are not and love us anyway.

    Great post, Tracey!


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