Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Salutes

Sherry's Aussie Chicken is a "new-to-me" recipe that's becoming a favorite with the whole family.

I think I might follow in Jessica's footsteps and try some Hammock Time with my kids this week.

Rachel shows how she incorporates Legos into math activities.

Here's yet another decorating-themed post for me to drool over!  This one's from Prairie Homestead and includes some practical tips for improving your space.

We're hoping that rain will hold off today so we can take our daughters to play miniature golf (using a gift card our eleven-year-old got back in July....)  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. What great links - thank you!! Hope you are able to enjoy some mini golf - we'll be wading through the snow to get to Sophie's birthday party :)

  2. Hope you got to putt putt! That's what we did on Monday with coupons, too! :-D

  3. Were you able to mini-golf? Sounds like fun and something I've never done in January!! :)

    Thanks for the links ~ thanks for introducing me to the Prairie Homestead too!

    1. Yes, we were able to golf! It was cloudy and a bit breezy, but the temp was around 70 degrees. You gotta love the South in the winter! :) I do have to admit that we are having unusually mild weather this winter, at least so far. We had a full day and got to spend a lot of time together as a family, which was nice.

      Hope your weekend's going well!


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