Monday, January 23, 2012

Separating the Good from the Evil

"But he that is spiritual judgeth all things..." ~I Corinthians 2:15

In this verse, the word "judgeth" has the idea of "discerneth."  Our daughters and I have been studying discernment in the Bright Lights Bible curriculum we use in homeschooling. The definition of discernment given there is "skill in separating the good from the evil and understanding the bigger picture." I love the way that is worded!

As the keepers of our home, we must have discernment. It begins in our own lives, as we examine our attitudes and actions for any sin that needs to be forgiven and forsaken. Beyond that, our responsibility extends to our family. From media and other materials that enter our home to the friends our children have to the activities we participate in, we need wisdom to see what is potentially harmful. How often we need to pray for help in not giving evil a foothold, even unwittingly.

As we seek to be discerning, we are not to judge according to arbitrary standards, but base our decisions on Biblical standards. I also believe that as we seek God's leading through prayer and study of His Word, He will even give us instincts that will help us avoid potential pitfalls. Surely our discernment, like other skills, can be improved as we use it in our daily lives.

Finally, as our definition of discernment states, it is valuable to remember the big picture. Perhaps there is some activity or influence that might seem acceptable today, but could cause problems as our children get older. All of our decisions can be passed through the filter of I Corinthians 10:31, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

I want to be on guard and actively evaluating the choices we make for our family. As mothers who seek to rear our children as servants of Christ, may we ask for His wisdom and guidance in discerning those things that are best for our children.

1 comment:

  1. Discernment is huge for me as a mother ~ something I am continually working on as the Lord works on me! I really like that definition too!


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