Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Like at First Sight: A Love Story

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I was one of those girls who went to college to get a MRS. degree.

Now don't get me wrong, I was interested in getting an education.  However, I didn't really date in high school, so I was also looking forward to the prospects of college in that area.

"Like" began in the first semester of my freshman year. There was a cute boy from Georgia (with a definite Southern accent) in two of my classes. I liked him right away, knew that I would say yes if he asked me out, but that was it.  I began dating other boys and eventually found out that he had a girlfriend back home.

We became friends and ended up having several classes together in our second semester.  By the time spring arrived on campus, I hadn't found anyone that held my interest.  However, I was beginning to think the friendship that had developed between this particular boy and I could turn into something else.  I could only do so much, and tried to be patient....

Finally, he asked me to go to church with him one night, but I already had plans to go with someone else.  Thankfully, he asked me to go with him the coming weekend instead, and I was able to say "yes."

Would you believe that he was the last guy I ever dated?  Almost two and a half years later, he asked me to marry him, and seven months after that, I married the man whom I not only love, but still like and consider my best friend.

While Valentine's Day seems to be about chocolate and roses and fancy dinners, love is so much more.  This September will mark twenty-five years since I first met the one who accepts me unconditionally, listens to me patiently, and challenges me to be the best I can be.  He has held my hand through the worst of times and rejoiced with me in the best. I am confident that the years ahead will hold more of both and that the love God has given us for each other will bring us safely through.

How about you?  Did your relationship begin with "like" or "love"?


  1. So sweet! I love reading other's love stories :)

    Ours started on a blond date and grew from like into love. He really is my best friend!!

  2. That's a great story!

    Ours was a comical story where circumstances had me trying avoid this new man on our singles retreat. By the end of the weekend, however, I was telling my mom that I had met the man I was going to marry. It was TOTALLY out of character for me--and immediately dismissed by my mom, lol! But I just knew, and in just under a year, we got married. :)

  3. What a great story, Tracey! I love it!! :)

    My own love story began with like, definitely - online relationships tend to be like that. We started out our relationship by talking about the Lord and the Word for hours on end... and it all grew from there. :) It's wonderful when a relationship is based on the right foundation, isn't it - it's more than just a feeling that comes and goes at whim... :)

    1. Yes, the right foundation is so important! That's something I'm beginning to talk more about with our daughters since they're getting a bit older.

  4. What a wonderful story, Tracey! Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Tracey, this is so sweet! It's so fun to learn about how couples met. I love that the first place your future hubby invited you to was church ~ that's special and says a lot write in and of itself! :) I started out liking my hubby first too...but I fell pretty hard pretty fast after the initial "like". :) I really like your closing line ~ yes that is true love indeed!

    Blessings to your whole family ~ what special love to celebrate and how blessed your girls are to have parents that model true unconditional love!!

  6. Our relationship started with "like" but quickly grew to "love."

    Thanks for sharing your story; I enjoy reading others' love stories!


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