Friday, July 31, 2015

2015 Goals: July Updates

July was a busy month, with camps for my daughters and travel for all of us.  I didn't do very well with staying on track with my yearly goals this month.

1.  Read through the Bible in 100 days. 

2.  Write a new, very specific prayer list for my husband and my children at the beginning of each month.  Done in July.

3.  Spend one hour with each daughter each month doing an activity that she likes to do.  I had a shopping outing with each girl while the other one was at camp.

4.  Send a note or e-mail of encouragement to someone every week.  I did this two weeks in July.  One of the notes I wrote was to the OBGYN who was my doctor during my pregnancy with our anencephalic baby, as well as with our older daughter, and during my miscarriage.  He retired 12 years ago, but I was able to find his address as he still lives nearby.  I was thrilled to get a note back from him and glad to hear that he is doing well.

5.  Complete my reading plan each month.  Done in July.

6.  Exercise for 25 minutes a day, 4 times a week.   I totally missed this in July.  I fit in a bit of exercise here and there, but our schedule was different every single week, so I wasn't at all consistent about it.

7.  Eat at least 3 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.  See number 6....

 8.  Complete Copyblogger's collection of 15 ebooks and implement 5 changes to my blog by June 30.  Still need to follow through on making 3 other changes to my blog.

How are you doing with your goals?

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of writing your "old" OB/Gyn! And how neat that he wrote you back! I've been thinking of writing a couple of my high school teachers (they still teach where I attended), and you've made me think about it even more.


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