Monday, October 5, 2015

A Hug for Our Daughters

I often don't take enough time to make a physical connection with my daughters, especially now that they're older.  We do the quick hug or kiss before they rush out the door to school, and the same at bedtime, but that's about it.

I know that physical affection is an important way to show love, so I'm challenging myself to purposely hug my daughters today.

When they get home from school or come into the kitchen for a snack during a homework break or get up from the table after supper, I'll grab a minute to give them a real hug and tell them that I love them....maybe I'll even do it twice!  Here's a perfectly free yet meaningful way to express our love!

Here's a picture of my girls enjoying the special drinks I made for them on Friday!

If you've missed earlier posts in this series, you can go to my 31 Days host page and catch up on all the ways we're showing love to our daughters in October!


  1. Hugs are always a good idea! I hope you haven't gotten too much rain. The flooding looks bad in SC.

    1. Well, we have gotten LOTS of rain....days and days worth! :) Thankfully, it hasn't directly impacted us other than church services being canceled yesterday and schools closed today and tomorrow. The main roads we frequent are okay, but there are many roads closed due to flooding. We're hoping for a little sunshine sometime tomorrow afternoon.

      Believe it or not, the girls are actually ready to go back to school! Being housebound is "fun" for only so long. :) However, I told them to enjoy the break as we have a very busy schedule over the next couple of weeks.

      Thanks for checking! Hope all of your family is well!!

  2. My oldest daughter is like me, and isn't very "touchy-feely," so I don't usually give her hugs or kisses. But I will today! My little girls are always cuddling up next to me or climbing into my (shrinking) lap, so I'm not worried about them.

    1. So funny - my older daughter and I are that exact same way - but she endured my hugs yesterday!! :)

  3. We are a SUPER touchy-feely, big snuggling household! :-D


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