Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Do One of Her Chores

Our girls have daily as well as weekly chores.  Every morning they make their bed.  Daily they clear the table and load the dishwasher after meals, and empty the dishwasher and fold laundry as needed.  They also have weekly chores that they typically tackle on Saturdays, which include vacuuming, dusting, doing a load of laundry, and cleaning their bathroom.

I know how much I appreciate it when someone takes on one of my household duties, so today I'm going to do one of my daughters' chores for each of them.

I'm not sure yet which of their tasks I'll handle.  We'll see how the day goes and I'll plan to post an update on Twitter and Instagram later showing what I did for them.

Is there a chore you could take over for your daughter today?

Here's a picture of me getting one of my hugs from my girls for yesterday's challenge!

If you've missed earlier posts in this series, you can go to my 31 Days host page and catch up on all the ways we're showing love to our daughters in October!


  1. What a great idea! My older two were out later than usual last night with their father, so I locked up the chickens for them. My daughter, especially, was grateful for that.

    1. Unfortunately I won't be able to duplicate that, but I've got a couple of other things in mind. ;)

  2. This is super sweet, and you're right - I ABSOLUTELY adore it when someone does mine for me! But this may get delayed in my house for a bit: Annelise *still* hasn't finished cleaning her room from over a week ago. :-/ I *have* given tons of grace re: not having it done, though - we've watched a few family shows in our free time instead of me sending her upstairs to clean.

    1. Grace is definitely warranted at times, too! :) We've had some of that lately when my girls have been extra busy with afterschool activities and other things.


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