Thursday, October 1, 2015

Note Your Love for Your Daughter

As we take the month of October to explore ways that we can show love to our daughters, the ideas I'll be sharing are simple, either free or inexpensive, and usually don't take a huge amount of time.  If you're like me, I just need to act purposefully and plan ahead.

Let's write our daughter a note.

It can be just a quick note to tell her you love her.  Slip it into her lunch box, tape it to her mirror, put it on her pillow, lay it by her plate at breakfast, or choose any other place where you know she'll see it during the day.  If you're really feeling inspired, actually write her a letter.  Let her know that you thank God for placing her in your family and how blessed you are to be her mother.

Here's what I'll be tucking into my daughters' lunch boxes today.

Use a sticky note or pretty stationery, but let's take just a minute today to write a note to our sweet daughters!


  1. How sweet! I'm one of my mom's 6 daughters, and I know everything she's done over the years to show us how she loves us has been priceless!

    1. Sounds like you are blessed with a wonderful mom!! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Great idea - I've been using this one - can't wait to see more.

    1. I'm excited about doing this challenge for myself, too! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I put a note in my girls' lunches every day but today I took a little extra time to make it more thoughtful/meaningful. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

    1. How neat that you do this every day!! I try to do it occasionally, but would like to make it at least a weekly thing.

  4. What a sweet idea! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to catch up on your blog. Things have been busy around here -- and hectic.

    1. Just glad to hear from you - hope all is well with you (and little one) and the rest of the family!

  5. I used to love getting notes in my lunchbox - this one would certainly have made me smile!

  6. Can't wait to read the rest of your series! I love my daughter and am always looking for new ways to tell her!


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!