Saturday, October 3, 2015

Saturday Salutes

My 14-year-old got her braces off this week - very exciting!!

Scott shares 7 Ways to Teach Self-Control.

Dana writes about 7 Things Your Child's Teacher Wishes You Knew.  (Having been a teacher, I heartily agree with these!!)  She also has 5 Things Every Mom Needs to Accept.

Kari tells us 3 Words Our Kids Need to Hear.

I love Keri's Fall Front Porch!  I need her to come over and decorate mine. :)

Ashley posted a list of 200 Things to Throw Away.!  I thought I kept our belongings fairly pared down, but I know I could go through her list and find a ton of stuff to throw away!

We've been deluged with rain for the past two days and it looks like today is more of the same.  It's a good day to stay inside and get some projects done around the house!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. That's a great list of things to teach my children self-control. I'm going to have to keep those in mind.

  2. WHOA, 200 Things to Throw Away!!!!


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