Monday, July 25, 2016

How Can God Use Me Today?


We have a large glass pitcher with a pineapple etched on the front that we were given as a wedding gift.  It's in great shape after all these years, and our girls often use it to stir up lemonade or another beverage.

Just as we use that pitcher to serve our purposes, so God wants to use us, His children and His vessels, to serve His purposes.

Yet before God can use me, there are a few things I need to do.

1.  I need to be clean.  None of us is or ever will be perfect in this life, but we can ask God to keep our hearts tender to His conviction of sin in our lives.  I can also ask myself if there's anything I'm unwilling to give up if the Holy Spirit speaks to me about it.

2.  I need to be empty.  In other words, I need to be willing to set aside my own agenda (including my to-do list) so that I can be filled with His plan for my day.

3.  I need to be filled for His glory.  When my girls drink their lemonade, the focus isn't on what a great pitcher they're pouring from, but about how good the drink tastes!  So when God chooses to use me, it's not so that I can brag about what I did, but so that He can be honored.

Once I'm ready to be used, God can step in and help me minister to others.

Will He use me as a prayer vessel, to labor in prayer for a family member, a friend, or someone at church?

Will He use me to build up my husband through my words and attitude towards him?

Will He use me to share the gospel with someone who's unsaved?

Will He use me to comfort my child who's having a hard day?

Will He use me to serve my neighbor?

Will He use me to set an example before our children of how to have self control?

Will He use me to encourage someone through a phone call or a card or a text?

It would be impossible for me to list all of the ways God might choose to use us!  And while I don't know how God might want to use me today, I want to be a vessel that's clean, empty of my own will, and ready to serve for His glory.


  1. That analogy is beautiful! I'm going to have to think about this post today, to ponder on it, to get the most from it. :) There's a lot to think about here.

  2. This pitcher imagery is going to stay with me for a long time!!!


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