Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The First 25 Years

We spent three days in Quebec City last week celebrating our 25th anniversary.

25 years ago today, I began the adventure of a lifetime.

When I look back at the pictures from our wedding day, I'm amazed at how young we looked.  We had no clue what we were getting into, but we loved each other and were excited about beginning a life together.

In anticipation of our anniversary, I started writing a list of 25 things I've learned in 25 years of marriage, but I'm so wordy that a post with that title would have been way too long to hold anyone's interest!  Then I thought I'd narrow it down to five things I've learned, but in all honesty, I feel like I'm still learning on a daily basis how to do this marriage thing right.

I know that God has used marriage to change me, to refine me.  I know that without Him, some of the hard days we've faced could have torn us apart instead of drawing us closer together.

My husband is still my best friend, and the person I most want to spend time with.  He knows how self-centered I can be, but he still loves me.  He adds common sense to my crazy, a fun spirit to our family, and wisdom to our parenting.

So we're celebrating a milestone today.  Just as we had no clue on that hot summer afternoon what the next 25 years would hold, so we're clueless again about the path our lives will take in the coming days.  But I'm blessed and thankful to start the next 25 years of marriage tomorrow, to see what adventures lie ahead, to continue to grow and learn and dream with the man I love.


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!