Saturday, July 30, 2016

Saturday Salutes

Thought I'd start with a few photos from our trip to Quebec City....

We enjoyed walking the streets, passing the picturesque houses and the sidewalk cafes.
One afternoon, we visited Montmorency Falls.  We hiked to the suspension bridge over the falls (with rest stops for me along the way ;)
The Chateau Frontenac is such a beautiful landmark.
Love the St. Lawrence River views with mountains in the distance

Carmen lists 5 Things Stay-at-Home Moms Should Do Every Day.

Sue shares What Middle Schoolers Do - and Don't - Need for School.

Melanie gives us 5 Ways to Encourage Your Sons and Grandsons.

Whitney writes about 8 Things to Do Before 8am.  Along those same lines, Emily tells us How to Create a Morning Routine.

I made this Garden Bounty Panzanella Salad for supper last night and it was delicious!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I laughed through Sue's list, as she contrasted what kids need with what we parents sometimes want to give. :)

    I appreciated the ways to encourage my son.

    I think my morning routine is pretty good, but I'm always looking for ways to make it better!

  2. GORGEOUS trip pics!!!
    YES re: "What Middle Schoolers Do - and Don't - Need for School"


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