Friday, July 29, 2016

My Goals for August 2016

You may recall that I took this month off from serious goals and decided to only set fun goals for July.  I'm so glad I did!  Here's how it went.

1.  Read one fiction book a week.  I'll be sharing the list of books I read next week.

2.  Make this No-Bake Summer Berry Icebox Cake for our July 4th dessert.   This was the perfect cool, refreshing dessert for our hot summer.  I'll definitely make it again!

3.  Find a great movie (or two) to watch on my Kindle during our flights later this month (any recommendations welcome!)  For our flight to Quebec City, I downloaded the 1996 Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow.  It was fine, but I think I was spoiled by already having watched the 2009 BBC version of Emma many times.  Admittedly, the latter is more like a mini-series; it's two hours longer than the earlier version, which allows more time to develop the characters and relationships.  It's such a favorite (and always on my Kindle), and I ended up watching a good bit of that Emma as well! 

On our flight home, I watched Scents and Sensibility.  It was cute and predictable - reminded me of a Hallmark movie.

4.  Buy myself a new pair of sandals.  Thanks again to Sues for recommending Crocs sandals!  I ended up getting two pair - these and these - and both are very comfortable.

5.  Be consistent in daily prayer and Bible reading.  I did fairly well with this, but I did miss a few mornings while we were out of town.

I feel like it's time to get serious again with my goals since school will be starting in three weeks.  Here are my five goals for this month.

1.  Spiritual Growth:  Write out a specific prayer list for each of my immediate family members at the beginning of the month and pray through it every day.   This one is making a return appearance - there's lots to pray about with school starting up again!

2.  Family:  Make sure we eat supper together as a family at least 3 nights a week.  Ballgames and other school-related activities are ramping up again, but I want to make family time a priority.

3.  Relationships/Service:  Send notes of encouragement to four friends this month.

4.  Personal Development/Health:  Have a meal plan ready for the week ahead every Sunday night.   Another repeat performer....I really need to get on the ball with this one since the whole rhythm of our days is about to change again.

5.  Blog:  Write one 1,000 word post.  I purposely wrote 10 Prayers to Pray for Your Daughter as a longer, more in-depth post (it took hours to put together), but it's been shared a number of times on Pinterest, and has been viewed almost 500 times in the past few weeks.  I'd like to create another "evergreen" post like that this month.

Ready or not, August is upon us!  Do you have any goals for the month?


  1. Oh, goodness! Goals for August? Surviving back-to-school? ;)

    Of your movies, I've only seen Paltrow's Emma, so I'm going to have to check out the newer version along with Scents and Sensibility. Interesting take on the title!

    I'm afraid of what is going to happen to our eating together as a family this fall; Sarah Beth and Daniel start soccer practice next week, and if they have it on different days, we may never eat supper together again as a family -- at least, until soccer is over.

    1. Yes, when the kids get involved with sports or other afternoon activities, it can play havoc with our mealtime schedule!

      That's another reason I need to get better at meal planning; if I can have something already going in the slow cooker, it makes it easier to face getting home late and helps me avoid the temptation to grab fast food. See, I know all this in my head - it's just a matter of making myself sit down and plan!! :)


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