Saturday, October 1, 2016

Saturday Salutes

Lisa tells us How to Be Anything But a Controlling Wife.

Ruthie shares How to Raise Children to Love Their Siblings.

Cheryl has 6 Ways to Make Your Home Cozier.

Lo tells us The #1 Marriage Mistake Made + 3 Tips to Avoid It.

Find a good list of Road Trip Activities for Kids at A Teaching Mommy.

I enjoyed MacKenzie's episode of her Cultivating the Lovely podcast this week about Family Devotion Tips and Resources.

I thought this was appropriate for the season!


Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Thanks for sharing the links. I love that sign! Have a great weekend.

  2. I needed to read about being aggressively helpful; I have that gift, er, problem. :) I also enjoyed reading about how to help my children love each other.

    1. Yes, I, too, can tend to be aggressively in, I remember a recent incident that pretty much paralleled one that she mentioned in that post. Praying to do better!

  3. LOOOOVE that pumpkin advice pic!!!

  4. Tracey, thank you so much for sharing my post! I just pinned it, and also the one above it about communicating with your daughter - GOOD advice! And the pumpkin graphic - awesome stuff right there.

    Have a great week! :)

    1. Aw, thanks for pinning those posts! I always appreciate tips on strengthening my girls' relationship with each other, and your advice was practical and helpful.

      Hope you have a great week as well!


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